60 Digital Resources for Addressing Substance Use Disorders, Addiction and Recovery

For those who experience addiction, there is no magic switch for living substance free. Recovery is a process that includes daily mental and physical challenges, as well as setbacks. But with sustained support from peers, friends, family and professionals such as social workers and counselors, addiction recovery can succeed. OnlineMSWPrograms.com gathered a list of organizations and digital resources that support individuals working toward recovery and that offer advice to their families, friends and communities on how to aid in the process.
Organizations and General Information
Drug Addiction (Substance Use Disorder), Mayo Clinic: overview with information on life-changing complications, when to seek emergency help and what an intervention involves.
Faces and Voices of Recovery: organization for individuals in long-term recovery from drug and alcohol addiction and for their family, friends and community allies.
Finding the Right Addiction Treatment Program, Familydoctor.org: guide to treatment ranging from inpatient/residential, intensive outpatient, sober living, outpatient and support groups.
National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers: organization with public directory of members who are licensed addiction service providers.
Recovery.org: website with “Pro-Corner” blog from professionals writing about recovery topics and with help line maintained by American Addiction Centers’ Recovery Brands.
Secular Organizations for Sobriety: nonprofit network of local groups with in-person and online meetings to help those living with alcohol and drug addiction.
Shatterproof: organization with information on where to get help in a crisis and types of aftercare or post-treatment support.
Smart Recovery: network of support groups for any addiction that provides online and in-person meetings as well as a toolbox with worksheets and exercises to help manage recovery.
Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction, National Institute on Drug Abuse (PDF, 11.4MB): guide to medications and behavioral therapies used to treat drug addiction.
Drug Use and Addiction, Medline Plus: information hub on drug use and addiction from the National Library of Medicine.
Easy-to-Read Drug Facts: Treatment and Recovery, NIDA: guide with descriptions about various forms of treatment, lifestyle changes necessary for recovery, relapses and support.
FindTreatment.gov: website with treatment services facility locator and information on what to expect, including cost and payment options.
Step-by-Step Guides to Finding Treatment for Drug Use Disorders, NIDA: information center with sections for adults, teens or young adults, those wanting to help adults, and those caring for a teen or young adult.
Substance and Mental Health Services Administration: comprehensive website with information about substance misuse and a National Helpline (800-662-4357).
LGBTQ Community
LGBT National Help Center: nonprofit that provides online chats and a hotline for all ages (888-843-4564), a youth talk line (800-246-7743) and a senior hotline (888-234-7243).
The Trevor Project: national organization with crisis support services that can connect individuals to assistance via its website or via phone (866-488-7386).
People with Mental Illnesses
Double Trouble in Recovery, Behavioral Health Evolution: website with guides, such as how to start meetings for this 12-step recovery program for people who are diagnosed with psychiatric disorders.
Substance Use Disorders, National Alliance on Mental Illness: information page on the co-occurrence of substance use disorder and mental illnesses, with treatment options and support groups.
National Council on Seniors Drug and Alcohol Rehab: nonprofit with information on senior addiction and a directory of rehab centers that work with seniors.
Substance Abuse in Older Adults: A Hidden Problem, Research Institute on Addictions (PDF, 401KB): fact sheet on seniors and addiction with guidance on choosing a recovery program.
National Institute of Drug Abuse for Teens: website with information on where teens can find help and suggestions for parents who are looking for treatment for their child.
Tips for Teens, SAMHSA: series of fact sheets about different drugs with information on how teens can help someone they know.
Substance Use, Department of Veterans Affairs: website with online screening assessment, treatment information and lists of programs and services.
Tobacco, Department of Veterans Affairs: information center with descriptions of different approaches to quitting tobacco and access to the VA’s SmokefreeVET motivational program that sends daily text messages of tips and encouragement.
National Veterans Foundation: Lifeline for Vets (888-777-4443) program for veterans and their families.
Women for Sobriety: nonprofit that uses in-person meetings and an online community forum where women can share and seek support for substance use disorders.
Sources of Support
Family and Others
Adult Children of Alcoholics: support group for adult children who grew up in a home where alcoholism or other family dysfunction, such as drug addiction, was prevalent.
Al-Anon: support program, which includes Alateen, for those whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking.
Substance Abuse Resource Center, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: information on what parents should do if they think their teen has a substance abuse problem and what role drug tests may have in teen substance use treatment.
Center on Addiction: organization offering support and guidance using science-based information on topics such as designing a treatment plan, for parents and caregivers.
Family Resource Center: nonprofit with help line information and a directory of guides and videos to help parents and other adults address an adolescent’s substance use or addiction.
Nar-Anon: support program for those whose lives have been affected by someone else’s substance addiction.
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids: information on topics such as how to get quality treatment for a child, insurance coverage and what to do if a child does not want treatment.
What Is Substance Abuse Treatment? A Booklet for Families, SAMHSA (PDF, 617KB): guide about symptoms, different types of treatment and recovery.
Social Workers, Counselors and Other Professionals
Addiction Technology Transfer Assessment Network: website information on telehealth trainings, event listings and guidance for setting up online meetings as well as online engagement products for professionals in the addiction treatment and recovery field.
A Guide to Preventing Older Adult Alcohol and Psychoactive Medication Misuse/Abuse: Screening and Brief Interventions, The Substance Abuse Prevention Older Americans Technical Assistance Center (PDF, 1.7MB): handbook with brief intervention workbook, tips for sustainability planning and tools for evaluation.
A Guide to Substance Abuse Services for Primary Care Clinicians, SAMHSA (PDF, 1.4MB): handbook on office-based interventions, appropriate referrals and specialized treatments.
Children and Family Futures: organization that conducts research and provides trainings for professionals on topics related to child welfare, including substance use.
NASW Standards for Social Work Practice with Clients with Substance Use Disorders, National Association of Social Workers (PDF, 149KB): handbook on the scope of services that social workers provide to clients with substance use disorders including interventions based on information and evidence-based practices.
National Association for Children of Addiction: organization for social workers, primary care providers, justice system workers, faith leaders, educators and early childhood professionals who work with children in families dealing with addiction.
National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare: organization that provides expert training and technical assistance to child welfare, dependency court and substance use treatment professionals.
Opioid Epidemic Practical Toolkit: Helping Faith and Community Leaders Bring Hope and Healing to Our Communities, Department of Health and Human Services: information on how the faith community can address opioid addiction by being welcoming and building the capacity to respond to needs.
A Provider’s Introduction to Substance Abuse Treatment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Individuals, SAMHSA (PDF, 1.4MB): publication about approaches in substance use disorder treatments that are sensitive to LGBT patients for medical professionals.
Quitting Tobacco: Helping Your Clients to a Healthier Life, SAMHSA (PDF, 1.5MB): publication with information on the benefits of offering smoking cessation programs in substance use disorder settings.
Tobacco Treatment for Persons with Substance Use Disorders: A Toolkit for Substance Abuse Providers, Signal Behavioral Network (PDF, 5.6MB): guide on the benefits of quitting tobacco use while getting treatment for substance use disorder.
Types of Addiction
Alcoholics Anonymous: support organization with regular local meetings and 12-step program to recovery.
NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: search tool to locate providers with guidance on what questions to ask to find quality treatment for an alcohol use disorder.
Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous: network of online groups with virtual meetings available.
Rethinking Drinking, NIAAA: information on alcohol use disorder and tools to help reduce or quit drinking.
Cocaine Anonymous: support organization with regular local meetings and 12-step program to recovery.
What Is Cocaine?, NIDA: information page with treatment options specific to cocaine misuse.
Marijuana Anonymous: support organization with regular local meetings and 12-step program to recovery.
Crystal Meth Anonymous: support organization with regular local meetings and 12-step program to recovery.
Opioids and Other Narcotics
Decisions in Recovery: Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder, SAMHSA (PDF, 880KB): handbook with information about medication-assisted treatment.
Narcotics Anonymous: support organization with regular local meetings and a 12-step program to recovery.
Never Alone Club: online Narcotics Anonymous group with daily meetings and 24/7 support.
Opioid Addiction, Familydoctor.org: information on what treatment to consider and steps to take to break the addiction.
Tobacco and E-Cigarettes
Nicotine Anonymous: support organization with regular local meetings and 12-step program to recovery.
Smokefree.gov: website with information and tools including Smokefree texting programs for the general population and for specific populations including pregnant women and veterans.
Truth Initiative: nonprofit public health organization with tools that include text messages, interactive guides and research material to help motivate people to quit smoking and vaping.
This article if for informational purposes only. If you or someone you know is living with addiction, please reach out to a health care or mental health care provider.
Are you interested in working with adults in recovery? Learn more about how to become a social worker and about the role that licensed clinical social workers play in addressing addiction.
This article was posted in June 2020.